I’ve been in hibernation…

But not that kind of hibernation.

More of like the one that Ralph Ellison describes:

“Please, a definition: A hibernation is a covert preparation for a more overt action.”

I have been on a bit of hiatus, and I did wonder why.

I imagine it has to be with the fact that the world has changed, and one has to adapt with it or get left behind!

The last 18 months have been an eye opener for me, and although I was lucky enough to be able to continue working at the hospital and privately, I too have struggled with the new way of life as I am sure everybody else has too. 

That will resonate with a lot of people.

Sometimes I wondered if it was a horrible dream, or maybe I was back living in Kenya with the lack of petrol and food shortages (including toilet roll), and failing energy companies, which ultimately leads to increase in gas and electricity bills; or my husband working from home which has been challenging not just for him but all wives around the world! 

It was a fabulous novelty at first. I loved every minute of it. I had a chauffeur services to and from the station at a click of my fingers. The clothes were all washed and folded, and the food was pretty much ready when I arrived home. It was a bit of a role reversal! But now I wonder how this must be for all the people working from home. 

My job means I see different people all the time, and as we all know, I can chat till the cows come home! But my husband only has zoom calls to chat, or perhaps the gardener to interact with. He is also on first name terms with the Amazon delivery guy but it is not the same as meeting people and creating meaningful relationships. Plus I feel my personal space has been invaded too and I am sure he feels the same!

I will be honest, I struggled to get my head around it. 

I have needed some time to think where my journey will take me. I have had a lot of time to reflect and my health has also tested me. 

Having a reaction to the vaccinations which led to moderate breathing difficulties, to an endometriosis flare up and surgery and then finally a viral chest infection – not Covid (even though I was tested numerous times) which has taken me the better part of 8 weeks to recover from and still struggling.

It has not all been bad though. 

Due to the breathing difficulties, I recommenced my Yoga practice and met a fabulous teacher who also happens to be my sister-in-law from India. This has only been possible on Zoom and I am totally aware that this is due to the COVID pandemic. 

Zoom Yoga!

It also meant that I connected further with my spiritually – something that is hugely important to me.

I have also been lucky enough to be part of my eldest niece’s wedding day. The honour was all mine because she very kindly asked if I could walk her down the aisle with her paternal aunt. I also decided that I should speak at her wedding and this certainly brought back a lot of memories. It certainly made me reflect on the time when she was born as I was only a teenager at the time.  Now she has grown into this amazing human who is starting a new chapter in her life. It also means I am getting OLDER!

Ratna speaking at her Nieces wedding.

During this time, I have been working behind the scenes in my private practice and I will tell you all about my second love in my next blog!

 But before I do that, I want to leave you with a quote from Barbara Johnson:

“Live every day to fulfill your personal mission. God has a reason for whatever season you are living through right now. A season of loss or blessing? A season of activity or hibernation? A season of growth or incubation? You may think you're on a detour, but God knows the best way for you to reach your destination”.


My second true love…


Did you know that March is Endometriosis Awareness Month?