Sometimes it’s difficult to know what to do…
Are you struggling with foot pain?
Have you got an injury that is stopping you from walking, running or cycling?
Do you think the nail is digging in or is there something on the tip of the toe which is stopping you from putting on your shoes and going for a walk?
But you are not sure how to treat it and you are concerned about seeking help during the Lockdown?
The government guidelines states that YOU must stay at home unless it is essential!
Are you battling with yourself whether you should contact the GP but feel that it is not that serious, yet it is stopping you from getting fresh air?
What is the correct thing to do in such circumstances?
Do you wait till it gets worse or do you take the correct steps to seek help from the appropriate qualified medical person?
That’s a lot of questions, but… I can help.
I am podiatrist with 25 years of experience and regarded as an essential key worker and am open for business.
I would suggest that if you have a foot problem, please reach out to me as I may be able to help.
Last week I came across a number of patients who were suffering from Ingrown toenails, almost every other patient had the same issue.
Prior to the pandemic, these patients would be seen every 6-8 weeks but since the new year and the new lockdown rules, most of them felt that they did not want to disobey the ‘Stay at home’ rule.
In their wisdom, they thought it was better to seek help after they were vaccinated, which I totally understand, (including waiting three weeks plus until they had built up some immunity against COVID 19), but that meant that their problem become much worse during this time which in turn meant that it was much more painful whilst getting their treatment with myself.
I was able to resolve their problems and set them up on the road to recovery, stressing to all of them to reach out if they have any further problems.
My advice
If you have a foot problem, I can provide appropriate guidelines or treatment as necessary.
If you are in turmoil, I would be more than happy to re-assure and provide you with the appropriate help if you need it.
If you are anxious and are not keen to come to the clinic, I can arrange a telehealth assessment. There is an investment for this, but I can advise you from the safety and comfort of your home.
If you want to know more, please give me a call on 07752 690 481.
Please do not wait until your foot problem gets worse – please reach out.